We are now certified with the Qualiopi label since the 14th of February 2022!
This label is a recognition of our professionalism and our process quality about our training actions we are implementing to develop your skills and competences, and allow you to address easily our training programs in apprenticeship, using your CPF or by using funding provided by your company’s OPCO.
What is Qualiopi?
This processs delivers a clear statement of the implemented process quality to develop competences and skills and provides a clear view of our training services for companies and students.
From January the first of 2022, this certification is obligatory for all training service providers who develop competences by accessing to mutualized funding.
Qualiopi, is a process that audits carefully all steps of the lifecycle and development of a training establishment aroud 7 quality criteria:
- Public information conditions about provided services, delays, and final results.
- Precise goals identification of the provided services and how these services are adapted to the public during the design of these services.
- Adaptation aux publics bénéficiaires des prestations et des modalités d’accueil, d’accompagnement, de suivi et d’évaluation mises en œuvre.
- How the pedagogical resources, the technical framework are implemented to deliver training services.
- Qualification, knowledge and skills development of employees in charge of training services implementation.
- Student integration and investment in his professional environment.
- collection and application of requirements emitted by delivered training services stakeholders.
know more about label Qualiopi